Upcoming Training on Reproductive Justice and Actions for a Post Roe World

UUA Side With Love Training on Reproductive Justice and Actions for a Post-Roe World

The UUA is aware of the huge need for local organizing, resource sharing, and collective action as abortion becomes criminalized in various places – including Georgia. By signing up for this three-part series, you are committing to being a part of organizing a TEAM in our congregation that will organize the congregation for specific action(s) in support of abortion access and Reproductive Justice in our community. Invite others from UUCG so that we can apply the learning from these sessions immediately in our context. This series will be facilitated by Revs. Ranwa Hammamy and Ashley Horan of the Side with Love Organizing Strategy Team.

You will need to register for all three sessions.  These online sessions start at 8:00 PM and end at 9:30.  Once you have attended, UUCG will have new skills to apply in Gwinnett and can plan further what we would like to do as a congregation. 

July 21 – Session 1: The Role of Congregations in a Post-Roe World : Since SCOTUS overturned Roe, what might congregations that support Reproductive Justice be called to do? We will explore the range of possible responses, and help you make a plan to begin organizing your team, your congregation, and your community.

July 28 – Session 2: Discerning Risk, Accessing Courage: To work effectively in solidarity with movements, congregations need to be clear about our capacity, our commitments, and our boundaries. We will talk about levels of risk associated with various kinds of congregational organizing for reproductive justice after abortion is criminalized and provide tools to map your congregation’s resources and risk tolerance so that your community is prepared to respond quickly and clearly to opportunities for action. 

August 4 – Session 3: Making an Organizing Plan: Using the learning from sessions 1 & 2 about which actions your congregation is prepared to take; we will talk about how to create a work plan and strategy for your particular congregational context.

Use this link to register so that we are linked as one for UUCG. If you are unsure what “role” to use in the registration form – I recommend using Social Justice Committee.  You do have to register for each session separately; however, the form does recall some prior information when you register for the next session.  Please let Barbara Stahnke, Lay Minister for Connecting Beyond, know if you are registering so that we can gather later in August to begin to plan.