Blessing of the Plow Service on March 24

Our annual Blessing of the Plow service will be held on Sunday, March 24 at 11:00am.

This service is based on an old world ritual called the Charming of the Plow. It was held at the beginning of the planting season when soil would first be tilled or turned. It was done by calling on the divine in all its forms and asking blessings on the land and the crops.

We invite everyone to bring (any or all of these) four items with you for this service:

  • A small container of soil from your garden
  • A small container of seeds you want to plant in your garden
  • A garden tool that you will use as representative of all your tools (smaller tools encouraged)
  • Bring a single cracker from your household for an offering to the spirits of the land

We look forward to seeing you Sunday!