Date(s) - 10/30/2021
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans Workshop.    Facilitated by Sherree Bailey.  More

We will begin with a check-in and share stories about whom we are honoring this evening.
You may also share poetry or a song.
Daniel will lead a short meditation after the Silent Supper Ritual
The Silent Ritual will consist of 15min of silence while we eat something and commune with our beloveds as candles are lit.
Set your table with plates and food for you and for the beloveds.
Have a journal or paper and pen to record thoughts or pictures during the Healing Ancestral Traumas ritual.

There will be time for sharing your experience of the evening before we close the circle.

Join us via Zoom:

more info on the UUCG CUUPS Facebook Page

