Starting Point is now Sharing the Journey

Sharing the Journey is a 4-week program for both newcomers and long-time members of UUCG to experience “deep listening and sharing practices” in a small group setting.

The 4 sessions begin with an opportunity for you to share your personal spiritual journey and tell how it led you to Unitarian Universalism, then travel through the historical journey of UUism and our own congregation, arriving at an exploration of the shared journey that we travel together as Unitarian Universalists.  This shared journey is made up of three fundamental and distinct UU spiritual practices: listening to one’s deepest self, opening to life’s gifts, and serving needs greater than our own.  

Whether you are a long-term UU or are new to our faith, join us to explore the experience of small group ministry in four sessions.

This cycle, the dates for each 90-minute session are: February 19, March 6, March 19, April 2

Come re-engage on your path within Unitarian Universalism and UUCG. Reignite the fire of commitment!   

Register Here