A vibrant, thriving Faith Development program does not happen without you! During the 2024-2025 program year, Faith Development has available to following opportunities to serve: Book Discussion Leader (April 30, 2025), Children’s RE Session Leader, Nursery/Toddler Childcaregiver (see descriptions below)

  • Session Facilitator (Adult Faith Development) – Choose Creativity Workshop or Writing Workshop.
    This position requires a one-time (or more, as you like) commitment to lead a session on a Sunday afternoon following the Worship Service. Materials and a session plan will be provided. (multiple openings throughout the program year)
  • Book Discussion Leader (Adult Faith Development) – This position requires a one-time commitment to facilitate a Book Discussion on one of three pre-scheduled Sunday afternoons, at 12:30. Preparation involving familiarizing yourself with the book’s contents and reviewing the discussion guide (which will be provided to you) will be necessary. (3 openings)
  • Children’s RE Session Leader – This position requires a commitment to be present 1 Sunday per month throughout the program year. You will facilitate a program for 5-12 year-olds during the worship service, presenting thematic lessons through stories, crafts, and activities. (4 openings)
  • Nursery/Toddler Childcaregiver – this position requires a commitment of one Sunday per month (on a prescribed schedule). You will be assisting our staff childcare specialist with providing compassionate, loving care and supervision to our youngest congregants and friends during the hours of 10:30am -1:30pm on Sunday mornings while Faith Development programming and Sunday Worship are in session.

If you have any questions, or are ready to step into an essential role in creating a vibrant, enriching Faith Development program at UUCG, please contact Christiana or Lydia Patrick today.